All services and courses can be tailored to the individual needs of the company
For many years there has been a lack of companies offering quality
EEO consulting services. As a result, many of the products and services, failed
to meet the needs of the client. Thus, The
The Training Center offers training in the area of equal employment opportunity (EEO), alternative dispute resolution (ADR), and civil rights. The training is geared towards employers and employees desiring to stay abreast of current changes in the area of EEO. It is designed to give participants a thorough understanding and appreciation of the laws and regulatory schemes that govern EEO so that they can better carry out their functions in a manner that is more objective and efficient.
The Training Center has assembled a team of trained
facilitators and other professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in
EEO and other laws enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC), Department of Labor (DOL), and Department of Justice (DOJ).
Additionally, The Training Center has a research staff which
provides up-to-date analysis of current case law and trends, which allows
facilitators to develop and perfect training and services. Additionally,
technological capabilities include Internet access, on-line tracking and
registration abilities, and up-to-date research and resources.
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